近日,我所崇敬的一位新闻界老领导,感慨万端地讲述了他与其年仅12岁的孙女的一番“文化交锋”—— 先是孙女充满希望地请爷爷率其春游。爷爷因适逢“两会”期间,故婉辞道:“这几天工作太忙,过些日子再去吧。” 孙女大惑不解,很不以为然地说:“唉,我看爷爷也活得太不潇洒了!” 爷爷吃了一惊:孙女小小年纪,懂什么潇洒?于是反问:“你知道潇洒是什么意思?” 孙女被问住了,一时答不上来,但仍不服气,说:“我解释不清楚,但知道啥样的人才算潇洒。” “请举一例。”爷爷追间。 孙女脱口而出:“《北京人在纽约》里的阿春!她想爱谁就爱谁,想干啥就干啥。那才潇洒呢!”
Recently, one of the old leaders of the media whom I admire has grumblingly told him about his “cultural confrontation” with his 12-year-old granddaughter. First grandchildren are hopeful that his grandparents should rate his spring break. Grandpa due to coincides with the “two sessions” period, so gracefully: “These days work too busy, go on some days go.” Granddaughter puzzled, very disagreeingly said: “Oh, I see my grandfather also live So unpleasant! ”Grandpa was taken aback: granddaughter of a young age, know what chic? Then asked:“ Do you know what is the meaning of carefree? ”Granddaughter was asked to live, temporarily unable to answer, but still not convinced, that : “I do not explain, but I know what kind of people are smart.” “Please give an example.” Grandpa chase. Granddaughter blurted out: “Achun,” Beijingers in New York! "She loved who loved and wanted to do what she wanted.