自从下岗后,我整天寻思干点什么,天天去图书馆查看各种报刊资料。一天,报纸上的一篇新闻报道引起了我注意:“沈阳市一日查获外运废旧蓄电池20吨”。因废旧蓄电池严重污染环境,国家规定各地都不准外运, 必须集中回收处理。我进一步查找相关资料,得知我国每年报废的蓄电池达8000万多只,除了各种车辆使用蓄电池,船舶、铁路、矿山、通讯等领域也大量使用。我突发奇想:如果废旧蓄电池能够修复再利用,那么这个市场该有多大? 我马上开始做市场调查,跑了许多汽车、摩托车修
Since being laid off, I have been thinking about what to do all day. I went to the library every day to check out various newspapers and magazines. One day, a news report in the newspaper drew my attention: “Shenyang City seized 20 tons of waste batteries for foreign transport.” Because waste batteries seriously pollute the environment, the state stipulates that they are not allowed to be shipped outside the country and must be recycled. I further searched for relevant information and learned that China has more than 80 million batteries that are scrapped each year, in addition to various types of vehicles that use batteries, ships, railways, mines, and communications. I had a whim: If the used batteries can be repaired and reused, how big is the market? I immediately started a market survey and ran many cars and motorcycle repairs.