
来源 :实用眼科杂志 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:myqwe
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胡×男24岁左眼刺痛、畏光、流泪,视力下降2个月。以左眼丝状角膜炎收住院。2个月当中,曾在某医院用抗生素治疗无效。入院时检查,右眼枧力0.5,矫正视力1.2。左眼视力0.1,矫正视力0.2~+,左眼睑痉挛,混合性充血(++)。角膜上皮弥漫性点状混浊,以下方为著,近角膜缘4点及7点各可见一丝状物附着于角膜溃疡面。前房深度正常。瞳孔直径约3mm,对光反射存在。眼底无法检查。眼压指测正常。入院后,经散瞳,局部滴链霉素和病毒唑眼水, Hu × Male 24-year-old left eye tingling, photophobia, tearing, vision loss for 2 months. To the left eye filament keratitis admission hospital. In two months, there was no cure for antibiotics in a hospital. Admission examination, right eye 枧 force 0.5, corrected visual acuity 1.2. Left eye vision 0.1, corrected visual acuity 0.2 ~ +, left blepharospasm, mixed hyperemia (++). Corneal diffuse diffuse turbidity, the following for the sake, near the limbus 4:00 and 7:00 each can see a trace attached to the corneal ulcer surface. Anterior chamber depth normal. Pupil diameter of about 3mm, the presence of light reflections. Fundus can not be checked. Intraocular pressure to measure normal. After admission, the mydriasis, local drip streptomycin and viral azole eye water,
【内容摘要】通过趣味的物理实验能够帮助学生更好的理解物理现象以及事物发展变化的深刻过程。针对高中物理实验的兴趣培养,能够进一步提高学生学习物理的兴趣,逐渐形成积极的科学态度和严谨的科学作风。通过云模式的实验教学,能够使得学生在实验操作的过程中不断的强化自身操作能力。  【关键词】高中物理 课程改革 云模式 教学效果  前言  物理实验能够提高学生学习物理的兴趣,进而增强学生抽象思维的养成。所以在保