今年36岁的孙彦,是武威地区公安消防支队政治处主任。20年前,他从江苏省盱眙县应征入伍来到甘肃武威某部。多年的军旅生活炼就了他吃苦耐劳、善于思考的习惯。他曾参与多次的灭火、抢险战斗,消防兵那英勇顽强、勇于献身的精神使他深深感动。多少次,他想热情地讴歌身边那一个个感人肺腑的故事,让全社会更多的人了解消防、认识消防,但都未能实现这个愿望。 1996年底,他被任命为武威地区公安消防支队政治处副主任,他认识到利用摄影作品最能形象、生动地反映消防官兵的风采,从此他爱上了摄影这个行当。
Sun Yan, 36, is the director of the Political Department of Public Security Fire Brigade in Wuwei. Twenty years ago, he was recruited from Qionglai County, Jiangsu Province, to a ministry in Wuwei, Gansu Province. Years of military life refining his hard-working, good at thinking habits. He was involved in many firefighting, rescue fighting, fire hero that bravery tenacious, courageous dedication made him deeply touched. How many times, he would like to enthusiastically sang the touching story around him, so that more people throughout the community to understand fire and fire awareness, but failed to achieve this aspiration. At the end of 1996, he was appointed deputy director of the Political Department of the Public Security Fire Brigade in Wuwei Prefecture. He realized that he was in love with the business of photography by vividly reflecting on the demeanor of firefighters and soldiers using the best image of photography.