欧地希机电(上海)有限公司新一代数字逆变控制焊接机 DL350ⅡOTC 新研发的交流短路过渡焊接法,通过焊接电源的极性切换功能,调节 EN 比率(正负级占空比),精确控制焊接线能量和焊缝熔深,避免烧穿,更适合超薄板焊接并大幅度提高
New Generation Digital Inverter Control Welding Machine DL350ⅡOTC has developed a new AC short-circuit transition welding method, which controls the EN ratio (positive and negative duty cycle) accurately by controlling the polarity switching function of welding power source. Welding line energy and weld penetration, to avoid burn through, more suitable for thin-plate welding and greatly improve