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病毒性肝炎是包括病原、流行特征及预后皆不相同的甲型、乙型及非甲非乙型肝炎的复合体。近些年来,随着甲、乙型肝炎实验诊断技术的发展及流行病学调查的开展,人们对我国不同地区及不同人群各型肝炎的流行情况有了较清楚的认识。但关于部队肝炎的流行情况,虽然军内许多单位已做过调查并获得了一些有意义的资料,但因多局限于乙型肝炎或其某一感染标记的一次横断而调查,系统、全面及动态地反映部队各型肝炎流行情况的调查甚少。为此,我们以海军某航校为观察点,于1983年12月进行了肝炎流行病学普查,并 Viral hepatitis is a complex of type A, B and non-A non-B hepatitis, including pathogenic, epidemiological characteristics and prognosis. In recent years, with the development of experimental and diagnostic techniques for A and B hepatitis and the development of epidemiological investigations, people have a clearer understanding of the prevalence of various types of hepatitis in different regions and different populations in China. However, regarding the prevalence of troop-hepatitis, many units within the military have conducted surveys and obtained some meaningful information. However, due to a series of investigations that are limited to a single transection of hepatitis B or one of its infectious markers, systematic and comprehensive There are very few investigations that dynamically reflect the prevalence of various types of hepatitis in the armed forces. To this end, we conducted an epidemiological survey of hepatitis with a pilot navy school in December 1983
自七十年代 Bishop 和 Flewett 等在婴幼儿胃肠炎患者12指肠粘膜和粪液中发现了轮状病毒后,婴幼儿轮状病毒作为腹泻病原一直是人们研究的热点.据 WHO 统计,在世界上婴幼儿腹
Improvements made to the cloud removal method for landsat MSS images proposed by O.R.Mitchell are presented.A more reasonable mathematical model for the cloud
一个美国笑话:牛奶商:“约翰,今天早晨你往牛奶里加水了吗?”新来工人约翰:“是的,先生。”“你知道那是很不对的吗,约翰?” An American joke: Milkman: “John, did you