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李晓华名气大有家杂志将李晓华列为大陆第三大富豪,北京首富,美国《福布斯》杂志亦评定他为中国大陆富豪第二人。从本刊了解的情况看,京城巨富太多,大多藏而不露,能与李晓华先生匹敌的定有人在,如《中国青年》报道的4年挣30个亿的袁宝璟;《环球企业家》采访的控制25亿资产的陈金飞等。李晓华尽管目前不一定是京城首富,但肯定是名气最大的私企老板:京城只有他的名字上了太空、与日月同辉:京城只有他捐钱最多,累计捐了一个亿;中国只有他与国内外政要交往最广,差不多国内外几十位首脑人物会见了他;国内老板中只有他名车最多;杂志封面上镜率只有他最高,估计国内外有200多家报刊登过他。近2年来,李晓华的知名度迅速上升,几乎无人能出其右。当然,也有人认为李晓华盛名之下,其实难副。著名作家梁晓声先生就不以为然;京城一知名营销策划人告诉我,李晓华在深圳商界中名声不好;不少人认为李晓华具有天才般的投机意识,是个有眼光的投资者,但不是一个高明的经营管理专家,他的企业体系中缺乏知名产品和高额利润等等。我认为李晓华先生非常了不起,要知道他出生在普通工人家庭,毫无家世基础与背景,下放6年,劳教3年,全凭个人胆识与智慧,白手起家成为巨富,而且大笔捐献社会,个人享受除了爱车外并无特别,他那精彩又富于传奇的经历,确已成为青年人的热门话题。不为读者所知的是,李晓华四兄弟个个有成,彼此独立,各具特色。本刊已收到李晓华新闻秘书送来的大量报刊介绍复印件和样本。本期因为时间太紧,未能亲自采访李先生。征得《中华英才》记者姜小姐同意,转载她采写的精彩报道,并作了局部增删。 Li Xiaohua famous magazine Li Xiaohua as the mainland’s third richest man, Beijing’s richest man, the United States, “Forbes” magazine also assessed him as the second man in mainland China. According to what we have seen, there are people in the capital that are rich, mostly hidden, and who can match Mr. Li Xiaohua, such as Yuan Baojing, who earned 30 billion in four years as reported by “China Youth.” “Global Entrepreneurs Interview with 2.5 billion assets Chen Jinfei control. Although Li Xiaohua is not necessarily the richest man in the capital at present, he is certainly the most famous private owner: the capital has only his name on the space with the sun and the moon: Beijing only donated most of his money and donated a total of 100 million yuan; China only he Most domestic and foreign dignitaries have the most contacts, dozens of leaders at home and abroad met him; only the most famous car owners in China; the upper cover of magazines is only the highest on his cover, and it is estimated that over 200 newspapers and magazines have posted him at home and abroad. The past two years, Li Xiaohua’s popularity rose rapidly, almost no one can right out. Of course, some people think that under the prestigious Li Xiaohua, in fact, difficult to associate. Famous writer Mr. Liang Xiaosheng disagree; a well-known marketing planners in Beijing told me that Li Xiaohua reputation in Shenzhen business is not good; many people think that Li Xiaohua genius speculative awareness is a bright-minded investors, but not a smart business Management experts, lack of well-known products and high profits in his enterprise system and so on. I think Mr. Li Xiaohua is very great. We must know that he was born in an ordinary worker’s family and has no family background and foundation. After six years of decency and three years of re-education through labor, he relied on his own courage and wisdom to become a rich person from scratch and donated a large sum of money to the community and individuals Enjoy nothing but love outside the car, his wonderful and legendary experience, has indeed become a hot topic for young people. Not for readers to know is that Li Xiaohua four brothers each successful, independent of each other, with their own characteristics. The publication has received a large number of newspapers and magazines sent by Li Xiaohua press secretary to introduce a copy and sample. This issue because time is too tight, unable to interview Mr. Li himself. Won the ”China Talent" reporter Miss Jiang agreed, reproduced her wonderful story, and made a partial additions and deletions.
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