在钟老师的众多弟子中,我算是天资愚笨的一员。无论在学术水平、业务能力和工作业绩各个方面,我都不如师兄弟们。但我也有优越之处,有幸跟老师朝夕相处了六年,沐浴老师的照顾和关怀, 受益之多,在众师兄弟中却算是位居前列。每次聆听老师的讲课、每次与老师的交谈,在心灵和思想上,都得到不断的净化和升腾。我没有精湛的手笔和能力去描述、概括、赞颂老师,但老师那种豁达的胸怀、敏锐的洞察力、果断的决策力、严谨的治学态度、灵活的学术思路、诚信的协作精神,却实实在在影响着我的世界观和方法论,现在乃至将来,都将左右着我的人生轨迹。
Among the many disciples of Teacher Chung, I am a stupid member of talent. I am not as good as my brothers in terms of academic standards, professional ability and job performance. But I also have the advantage of being fortunate enough to have been with the teacher for six years in a matter of days. Taking care of and care for the bathing teacher is much more profitable than being among the brothers. Every time I listen to the teacher's lectures, each time I talk with the teacher, I am constantly purifying and rising in my mind and thoughts. I do not have superb writing skills and ability to describe, summarize, praise teachers, but the teacher's open-minded, keen insight, decisive decision-making power, rigorous scholarship, flexible academic ideas, integrity of the spirit of cooperation, but actually It really affects my outlook on the world and methodology, now and in the future, will affect the trajectory of my life.