Congenital unilateral hypertrophic rare clinical. Recently, our hospital admissions in 1 case, are as follows. Children, women, 5 years old, Jiujiang City. The mother sued, the pedigree 8 months premature birth, the second child, was found at birth, left half-length hypertrophy, then gradually obvious, walking a little lame. Parents non-relatives get married, their mother had no history of pregnancy, no family history. Physical examination: Children with good nutrition, good spirit, mental development is normal. Whole body skin pigmentation, no vasodilation. Superficial lymph nodes are not enlarged, no abnormal heart and lung examination. The left side of the body (including the face, chest, waist, abdomen, perineum, upper and lower extremities and other parts) significantly larger than the contralateral mast, especially in the lower extremity significantly (see Figure). Each joint activity and muscle strength is normal. Right compensatory spinal curvature, normal activity, a limp gait. The nervous system does not elicit pathological reflexes. Limb measurements are shown in Table 1 and 2. Discussion Unilateral hypertrophy can be divided into two categories, one for the congenital, the zygote is divided into two cells of different sizes; one is acquired, due to the side of the hemangioma or blood circulation and lymphatic system Partial