一、杂志简介《赤子》杂志隶属中华人民共和国文化部、中国社会经济文化交流协会,并由其主管主办,是中华人民共和国新闻出版总署批准(中华人民共和国期刊出版许可证京期出证字4627号)国内外公开发行的中央级刊物,国内统一刊号:CN 11-4627/C;国际刊号:ISSN1671-6035;邮发代号:82-115。本刊以科学发展观为行动指针,以服务经济、文化建设为工作中心;以“高端、权威、深度”为特色;以内容详实、观点新颖为基点;以追踪时代、展示学科理论成果、促使各领域的成果转化
I. Introduction to the magazine “Zhizi” magazine under the Ministry of Culture of the People’s Republic of China, China Society for Economic and Cultural Exchange Association, hosted by its director, is the People’s Republic of Press and Publication Administration approval (People’s Republic of China Periodicals Publication License 4627) Domestic and international public offering of central-level publications, the domestic unified serial number: CN 11-4627 / C; International Serial Number: ISSN1671-6035; Zip Code: 82-115. The journal takes the Scientific Outlook on Development as the guiding principle of action and takes service economy and culture construction as the center of work. It features “high-end, authoritative and in-depth” features; detailed content and novel viewpoint as base; traces the era and shows the academic achievements , To promote the transformation of the achievements in various fields