“凡高”早已不是新鲜话题,但却惊人地永不褪色。本刊发出讨论凡高艺术人格问题的选题预告后,又意外地得到各地作者的热情回应,来稿中不乏精彩之作,由于刊物版面容量限制,不能逐一刊发,在此谨向大家表示感谢和歉意。 凡高生前寂寞孤苦,死后却成为艺术史上最热门的艺术大师之一,他真诚执著地将生命化作艺术的火焰燃烧,其艺术人格境界成为其后艺术家们难以企及的理想追求。凡高是天才,他以社会弃儿的身份成就伟大的艺术创造,他早已被推为艺术家的偶像。然而时至今日,当我们古老精纯的艺术传统被“真诚地自我表达”的艺术家们拆解殆尽之时,我们是否应该重新检视我们对于凡高的崇拜,追问一下凡高的艺术人格类型是否应该成为艺术发展进程中的常态?分辩出在推崇凡高的幌子下以艺术之名自弃于社会的不良倾向。 踏入新世纪,中国艺术界日益强化自身的民族意识和批评意识.试图在面对外面纷繁缭乱的世界时作出自己的价值判断,但我们毕竟与国外的艺术世界相膈很远,视野和了解的深度受限。将在本栏目连载,由黄河清先生翻译并作精心注解的法国著名美术批评家克莱尔的《论美术的现状》,对西方前卫艺术的理论基础和操作黑幕进行了酣畅淋漓的批评和揭露,为我们建立自己的观点,提供了很好的参考。
“Van Gogh” is no longer a fresh topic, but amazingly never fade. After we published a preview of the topic selection of Van Gogh’s personality issue, we unexpectedly got enthusiastic responses from authors all over the world. There are many wonderful works in the manuscript, which can not be published one by one due to the limited capacity of the publication layout And sorry. Van Gogh’s loneliness and loneliness have become one of the hottest art masters in the history of art. His devotion to turning the life into the burning flame of art in a sincere and dedicated manner has made it impossible for artists to pursue their dreams. Van Gogh is a genius, he made great social creation as a social creation, he has long been pushed to the artist’s idol. However, to this day, when our ancient and pure artistic traditions are dismantled by artists who “sincerely express themselves,” should we re-examine our cult of Van Gogh and ask about Van Gogh’s artistic personality types Should it be the norm in the process of artistic development? To discern the unfavorable tendencies of giving up to society in the name of art under the pretext of esteeming Van Gogh. As we enter the new century, Chinese art circles are increasingly strengthening their sense of national identity and criticism, attempting to make their own judgments in the face of the dazzling world outside, but after all we have a long way to go with the foreign art world and our vision and understanding The depth is limited. In this column, the famous French art critic Clare, who is translated and carefully annotated by Mr. Huang Heqing, on “The Status Quo of Fine Arts,” conducted a hearty criticism and exposure of the theoretical foundation and operating shady of Western avant-garde art. Build your own point of view, provided a good reference.