睾丸扭转是泌尿外科比较少见的急症之一,常因误诊而延误手术时机,造成睾丸坏死。我科收治6例,报告如下。例1 16岁。主诉5小时前在劳动中突然右侧阴囊持续性剧烈胀痛,伴恶心呕吐。体检:右侧睾丸稍肿大,附睾轮廓不清,均压痛明显。睾丸上缩,其上方可触及3×2cm 肿块。实验室检查:白细胞14000/mm~3,中性52%。诊断:急性附睾炎。经抗生素治疗3天无效,T38.5℃,右侧阴囊出现红肿。局麻下行阴囊探查术,见鞘膜内有血性积液,睾丸
Testicular torsion is one of the more common urological emergency, often because of misdiagnosis and delay the timing of surgery, resulting in testicular necrosis. My department admitted 6 cases, the report is as follows. Example 1 16 years old. 5 hours before the main complaint in the sudden right side of the labor continued severe pain in the scrotum, with nausea and vomiting. Physical examination: a slight enlargement of the right testicle, epididymal contours are unclear, are tenderness significantly. Testicular contraction, above the reach of 3 × 2cm mass. Laboratory tests: white blood cells 14000 / mm ~ 3, neutral 52%. Diagnosis: Acute epididymitis. Antibiotic treatment for 3 days invalid, T38.5 ℃, right scrotal swelling. Local anesthesia scrotal exploration, see the hemolysed fluid within the sheath, testis