在三恩氏培养基和经过改良的RPMI1640培养基上比较了5株杜氏利什曼,1株沙鼠利什曼和1株蜥蜴利什曼前鞭毛体的繁殖动态。结果表明有四种类型。其中761株杜氏利什曼和蜥蜴利什曼属于一组;杜氏利什曼801株和852株为一组;771株杜氏利什曼与沙鼠利什曼为一组,自1株杜氏利什曼本身为一组。7株利什曼在两种培养基上处于繁殖峰值的原虫数分别为2.8~3.8×10~7和3.9~7.9×10~6。讨论了这四种繁殖动态类型的生物学意义,并认为经过补充的RPMI 1640培养基可供在利什曼原虫的生物化学和免疫学研究中应用。
The reproductive activities of five Leishmania, one gerbil, Leishmania and one lizards Leishmania promastigote were compared on three Engel’s medium and modified RPMI 1640 medium. The results show that there are four types. Among them, 761 strains of Leishman and lizards Leishman belonged to one group; 801 strains of Leishmania and 852 strains belonged to one group; 771 strains of Duchenne and Gerbil Leishman belonged to one group, Ishman himself is a group. The number of protozoa in seven Leishmania plants at the peak of breeding was 2.8-3.8 × 10-7 and 3.9-7.9 × 10-6, respectively. The biological significance of these four reproductive dynamic types is discussed and it is believed that the supplemented RPMI 1640 medium is available for use in biochemical and immunological studies of Leishmania.