Since the second half of 2012,the security situation in China's surrounding areas has become increasingly serious.On the sea frontiers,following the Sino-Philippine conflict over Huangyan Island,the Sino-Japanese dispute over the Diaoyu Islands has escalated due to the Japanese government's illegal "purchase" of the islands.Since 2013,Japan has also continuously enhanced its military coordination with the U.S.,and developed closer relations with the Philippines and Vietnam.It is intending to form a strategic containment ring against China.On the land frontiers,the "tent episode" at the western section of the disputed Sino-Indian border area has almost escalated into military confrontation.In terms of Sino-U.S.relations,shortly after the U.S.X37B space plane passed sensitively over Beijing,Chinese and U.S.war planes simultaneously flew over the East China Sea.At the same time,the U.S.Congress approved the 2013 defense authorization bill with a majority supporting vote,and stressed that the U.S.-Japanese security treaty would also apply the Diaoyu Islands.Recently,senior senator McCain even claimed that the United States should fully support Japan militarily.In my view,the current security environment is at its most serious since 2001.China is now facing unprecedented external pressures and even the pressure of a potential war,and this has posed severe challenges to the process of China's peaceful rise.