国际宇航联合会第34届年会将在布达佩斯举行 国际宇航联合会(IAF)第34届年会将于今年10月9日—15日在匈牙利布达佩斯举行。本届年会的主题是“宇航国际合作”(Cooperation in Space)。主要的分组专题为:空间运输系统、通信和广播卫星、对地球观察和遥感技术、微重力科学、生命科学、空间探测、气体动力学、飞行器设计与工艺、推进技术、材料和结构等。会议秘书处正在向各会员国征集稿件。
34th Annual Meeting of the International Astronautical Federation to be held in Budapest The 34th Annual Conference of the International Astronautical Federation (IAF) will be held in Budapest, Hungary from October 9 to 15 this year. The theme of this annual conference is “Cooperation in Space.” The main cluster topics are space transport systems, communications and broadcasting satellites, earth observation and remote sensing technology, microgravity science, life sciences, space exploration, gas dynamics, aircraft design and technology, propulsion technology, materials and structures. The conference secretariat is collecting contributions from Member States.