从1979年第一台“砖头”磁带播放 器WALKMAN(随身听)的诞生,到现 在精巧的闪存播放器、小巧彩屏播放器以 及大容量的硬盘播放器,随身音乐播放器 走过了25年。随身音乐播放器潜移默化 地改变着人们的生活。生活中我们随处可 见MP3的身影:无聊的路途中大家可以 欣赏音乐;工作中大家不必为大容量的随 身资料无法携带而烦恼,MP3的优盘功能 轻松搞定;不用再精神高度集中,手下奋 笔疾书,MP3就是你随时随地的语音记录 小秘书……MP3播放器,引领了随身音 乐新时尚,也越来越被战士们所关注。下 面介绍一些选购MP3的小提示。
From the birth of WALKMAN (Walkman), the first “brick” tape player in 1979 to the current compact flash player, compact color screen player and large-capacity hard disk player, portable music player has gone 25 years. Portable music player subtly changes people’s lives. Everywhere we can see the shadow of MP3: boring on the road we can enjoy the music; work we do not have to carry large amounts of personal information can not be troubled, MP3 USB easy to get the function; no longer highly concentrated spirit, , MP3 is your little secret voice recorder anytime, anywhere ... MP3 player, leading the new fashion portable music, but also more and more attention by the soldiers. Here are some tips to buy MP3.