1981年元月二十日~元月三十一日对韵家口屠宰场的猪血清作了布氏菌病血清学调查。这次调查运用了标准试管凝集试验(SAT);平板凝集试验(Hubbleson)半胱氨酸试验(CAT);缓冲布氏菌抗元试验(R—BPT)及补体结合试验(CFT)。共检查了猪1087口。现将调查结果报告如下: 材料与方法一、血清来源:韵家口屠宰场收购我省各农业县猪场及饲养于各家各户社员家中的生猪,收购一批(约400~500口猪)屠宰一批,在屠宰过程中,将每口猪接血1087份猪血清布病检验结果液5~10毫升,
From January 20 to January 31, 1981, a serological investigation of brucellosis was carried out on swine sera from Yunjiakou Slaughterhouse. In this study, the standard test tube agglutination test (SAT), the Hubbleson cysteine test (CAT), the buffer brucine anti-element test (R-BPT) and the complement fixation test (CFT) were used. A total of 1087 pigs were examined. Now the survey results are reported as follows: Materials and methods First, the source of serum: Yunjiakou slaughterhouse acquisition of agricultural counties in our province farms and pigs reared in households of various households in the purchase of a group (about 400 to 500 pigs) Slaughter a batch, in the slaughtering process, the pigs received 1087 pigs per pig blood test results cloth fluid 5 to 10 ml,