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《钟形罩》是美国女作家西尔维娅·普拉斯的唯一一部小说。这部作品不仅带有强烈的自传体色彩,叙事意境独特,还运用了各种新颖的意象解读小说中的女权主义。这部作品讲述了一个富有天赋的年轻女孩在象征男权社会的“钟形罩”中走向精神崩溃的心路历程。女主人公在沉闷的传统社会的压制下,孤独、分裂、挣扎、绝望乃至崩溃,最终用“破碎世界中破碎的我”呼吁生活在“钟形罩”中的女性自己掌握自己的命运,实现自我价值。本文将从孤独的声音、自由的追寻、自我的言说三个方面展开分析,揭示《钟形罩》的女性叙事意境。孤独的声音1.亲情叙事意境(1)“恋父”与“审父”的纠结之孤独意境这种纠结的孤独意境体现在女主人公对父亲极度的依恋与极度的反叛中。作者自幼丧父。其父亲是一位有名的生物学家,是德国移民。从那时起,她便认为父亲是被自己虐待迫害而死的,也因此对父亲有一种内疚感。但同时她又感觉父亲遗弃了自己,她抱怨甚至怨恨父亲没有对她尽到父亲的责任。内疚与怨恨交织在一起,对她的心灵造成了终身难以愈合的创伤。作者将这种复杂的情感借由小说中的埃斯特表达出来。在小说中,作者写到,父亲去世前,与父亲一起在海滩玩耍 “Bell” is the only novel by American woman writer Sylvie Plath. This work not only possesses a strong autobiographical color, unique narrative mood, but also uses a variety of novel images to interpret the novel’s feminism. This work tells the story of a talented young girl in the “bell”, a symbol of the patriarchal society, moving toward spiritual collapse. The heroine, lonely, divided, struggling, desperate and even collapsing under the tumultuous traditional society, finally calls for “the broken one in the broken world” to call for the women living in the “bell-shaped cover” to master their own Fate, to achieve self-worth. This article will analyze the three aspects of solitary voice, free pursuit, and self-expression to reveal the female narrative conception of “Bell Cover”. Lonely voice 1. Family narrative mood (1) “Love Father ” and “Father ” the lonely mood of this tangled lonely mood in the heroine’s extreme attachment to the father and extreme rebellion. The author lost his father since childhood. His father is a famous biologist, a German immigrant. Since then, she has thought her father was tortured and killed by her own abuse, and therefore has a sense of guilt against her father. But at the same time, she felt her father abandoned himself again. She complained and even hated that her father did not fulfill her duty as a father. Guilt and resentment intertwined, causing a traumatic injury to her soul that was difficult to heal for life. The author expresses this complex emotion through Este in the novel. In the novel, the author wrote that before his father died, he was playing with his father on the beach
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