相对鲁迅先生所谓的“国骂”,“杂种”这词似乎不够“国家级”,但它在国人口中的使用频率,却是够高的了。倘若它仅是在寻常百姓家“泼妇骂街”时被混上用场,那倒也罢了——尽管它不讲语言卫生,有辱礼仪文明。出乎意料的是,现而今眼下,它竟被人当作时髦的外衣,堂而皇之地穿戴在若干影视片名身上。 这不,你看,《黄上坡的风流娘儿们》尚在不知羞耻.卖弄风情,《趟过男人河的女人》便不甘落后,撵了上来。而在此之前,诸如《北京大爷》、《上海阿混》、《北京杂种》什么的各色人等早已在银幕、荧
Relative to Mr Lu Xun’s so-called “curse”, the term “hybrid” does not seem to be “national” enough, but its use in the population of the country is high enough. If it is used only when it is common people’s house, “shrew”, even if it does not speak the language of health, humiliating civilization. Unexpectedly, it is now for the moment, it was actually used as a fashionable coat, openly dressed in a number of film titles. This is not, you see, “Shangliuqiuqiunianger” is still unknown shame .Still style, “wading man river woman” is not far behind, 撵 up. Prior to this, such as “Beijing Grandpa”, “Shanghai Ah mix”, “Beijing hybrid” what color of people have long been on the screen, Ying