作为一名警察,工作当中会接触到形形色色的案件,会有许多令人难忘的曲折经历,但最难难忘记的,往往是自己从警后侦破的第一起案件。我侦破的第一起案件虽然只是一起小小的盗窃案,而且时间也已过去很久了,但它依旧清晰地留在我的记忆之中。 1983年春,我与另两位年轻人带着刚穿上警服的喜悦,来到刚组建的溆浦县小横垅林业派出所工作。所长是位从部队转业,工作作风非常严谨的中年汉子。面对我们三位朝气蓬勃的新警,他脸上露出了满意的笑容。报到的那天,他交给我们的任务
As a police officer, there will be many unforgettable twists and turns during his work. However, the most difficult thing to forget is often the first case he has detected since the police investigation. Although the first case I detected was only a small burglary and the passage of time has passed, it still remains clearly in my memory. In the spring of 1983, I, along with the other two young men, with the joy of just wearing police uniforms, came to work at the small Yokoyama forestry police station in Xupu County just formed. The director is a middle-aged man who has been transferred from the army and has a very strict working style. In the face of our three vigorous new police, his face showed a satisfactory smile. The day he checked in, he gave us the task