2006年年初,超级摇滚大腕Roger Waters赴上海进行巡演,在这场超高水准的演出中我们领略了他新聘请的英国超级吉它手/著名吉它教育家Dave Kilminster的高超技艺,并对起完美的现场吉它音色唏嘘不已。他琴上一直插着的绿/黑混合色信号线引起了我们极大的关注。出于对Pink Floyd乐队的热爱,在其吉它手David Gilmour推出新的现场DVD后我立刻从国外订购,收到DVD的当晚便迫不及待地欣赏了一遍,说实话现场过于平淡,但音色还是极具大师风范,但我注意到他用的连线虽然和Dave的颜色和直径略有差异,但好像是一个厂牌的。不仅如此,连梦剧院乐队的John Petrucci也开始使用和Dave一样的线材……越来越多的吉它大师们都开始用这种连线,以至于周围的朋友也开始纷纷讨论这些蓝绿色的线材,经过多番查证,我们把眼光锁定在了EVIDENCE AUDIO身上……
At the beginning of 2006, Roger Waters, the biggest rock star in the world, toured Shanghai. During this superb performance, we experienced the skill of his newly employed British super guitarist / famous guitarist Dave Kilminster, Live guitar tone marvelous. His piano has been plugged in green / black mixed-color signal line caught our great attention. Out of love for the Pink Floyd band, I immediately ordered from abroad after guitarist David Gilmour launched the new Live DVD, and it was unforgettable to watch the night on the DVD. To be honest the scene was too dull, but the sound was still great Master style, but I noticed that although his connection with Dave slightly different color and diameter, but it seems to be a label. Not only that, but even John Petrucci, the dream theater band, started to use the same wire as Dave’s. More and more guitar masters started using this connection so that friends around the world started discussing these cyan-colored wires After many verification, we set our sights on EVIDENCE AUDIO ...