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《中共中央关于国有企业改革和发展若干重大问题的决定》全面分析了当前国有企业所面临的复杂形势和艰巨任务,重申和强调必须加强党对国有企业的领导。加强和改善党对国有企业的领导,我理解主要应把握以下三个方面:一、原则要坚持。《决定》从政治认识高度旗帜鲜明地指出:“坚持党的领导,发挥国有企业党组织的政治核心作用,是一个重大原则,任何时候都不能动摇。”加强党对国有企业改革和发展工作的领导,是中国共产党执政地位和政治意志在企业中的体现。发挥企业党组织的政治核心作用,是搞好国有企业的客观需要。无产阶级政党的一切任务都要靠动员群众才能完成。如果没有党的基层组织,群众的力量就凝聚不起来,党的政治任务就难以落实。国有企业是工人阶级最集中、党的阶级基础最深厚的地方。作为工人阶级先锋队的中国共产党在企业中的基层组织,理所当然地应成为团结和带领职工 The “Decision of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China on Major Issues Concerning the Reform and Development of State-owned Enterprises” comprehensively analyzes the complex situation and arduous tasks facing state-owned enterprises, and reiterates and emphasizes the need to strengthen the party’s leadership over state-owned enterprises. To strengthen and improve the party’s leadership over state-owned enterprises, I understand that we should mainly grasp the following three aspects: First, principles should be adhered to. The “Decision” clearly pointed out from a high degree of political awareness: “To adhere to the leadership of the party and to give play to the political core role of party organizations in state-owned enterprises is a major principle that cannot be shaken at any time.” Strengthening the Party’s work on the reform and development of state-owned enterprises The leadership of the Chinese Communist Party is a manifestation of the governing status and political will of the Chinese Communist Party in the enterprise. Giving full play to the political core role of the party organizations of enterprises is an objective need to do a good job of state-owned enterprises. All tasks of the proletarian party must be achieved by mobilizing the masses. Without party organizations at the grassroots level, the power of the masses cannot be brought together, and the political tasks of the party will be difficult to implement. State-owned enterprises are the most concentrated in the working class and have the deepest class foundation of the party. As the vanguard of the working class, the grass-roots organizations of the Communist Party of China in the enterprise should, of course, become united and lead the workers.
摘要:评课是一个信息丰富、异彩纷呈、博采众善的教学环节。怎样更好地担任评课者的角色,客观、公正、全面地评价一堂课,是值得教育工作者认真思考的问题。笔者以为,我们不妨试着转换不同的角度来欣赏、评定一堂课,使之更有效地促进教学活动。  关键词:学生的角度 教者的角度 领导的角度     评课,评什么?怎么评?这是一个值得思考、探索的问题。俗话说:仁者见仁,智者见智。虽然是短短的45分钟的课,但它包含的
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