患者女,43岁。因反复右上腹痛伴畏寒、发热20天于1996年1月24日入院。经体检、实验室及肝胆 B超检查诊断为阿米巴肝脓肿、胆管多发性结石。既往无药物及食物过敏史。入院后用0.5%甲硝唑100ml 静滴及氨苄青霉素3.0g+生理盐水40ml 静推,3天后体温呈下降趋势,但出现恶心呕吐,考虑药物所致。加用维生素 B_6200mg于5%葡萄糖中静滴后第2~5天输液半小时至输液完
Female patient, 43 years old. Due to repeated right upper quadrant with chills, fever 20 days in January 24, 1996 admission. The physical examination, laboratory and hepatobiliary B-ultrasound diagnosis of amoebiasis abscess, multiple bile duct stones. Past history of drug and food allergy. After admission with 0.5% metronidazole 100ml intravenous infusion and ampicillin 3.0g + saline 40ml static push, 3 days after the temperature showed a downward trend, but nausea and vomiting, taking into account the drug. Add vitamin B_6200mg in 5% glucose infusion after 2 to 5 days half an hour infusion to the end of infusion