美洲斑潜蝇是1994年新传入我国的一种检疫性害虫,1995年8月在我市广平县蓖麻上发现,当年我市发生面积60万亩,其中绝收102亩,秋季蔬菜减产30%。据调查,该虫可危害15个科、50多种作物,危害严重且难以防冶,给城乡人民“菜篮子”工程已构成了严重威胁,为此我们对其形态特征、寄主、危害、生物学特性以及发生特点进行了观察分析。 一、形态特征 卵:0.2~0.3mm×0.1~0.15mm,米色,轻微半透明。 幼虫:无头蛆状,初孵无色,渐变淡橙黄色、后期变为橙黄色,长约3mm,后气门突呈圆锥状突起、顶端三分叉,各具一开口,共3龄。
American leafminer is a newly introduced quarantine pest in China in 1994. It was discovered in August 1995 in castor bean in Guangping County of our city. In that year, an area of 600000 mu was occurred in the city, of which 102 mu 30%. According to the survey, the pest can harm 15 families and 50 kinds of crops. It is extremely harmful and difficult to prevent smelting. It has posed a serious threat to the vegetable basket project of urban and rural people. Therefore, we analyzed the morphological characteristics, hosts, hazards, Characteristics and occurrence characteristics of the observation and analysis. First, the morphological characteristics of eggs: 0.2 ~ 0.3mm × 0.1 ~ 0.15mm, beige, slightly translucent. Larvae: Headless maggots, colorless newly hatched, pale yellow gradient, late into an orange-yellow, about 3mm, after the conical buccal processes, the top three forks, each with an opening, a total of 3 years old.