同心同德共促发展 实现天津美好愿景

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孙春兰会见市政协港澳委员和在津台胞海外侨胞代表黄兴国肖怀远何立峰参加邢元敏主持本刊讯迎盛会、叙友情、话发展。1月25日晚上,市委书记孙春兰在迎宾馆亲切会见出席市政协十三届一次会议的港澳委员和列席会议的在津台胞、海外侨胞代表。她强调,港澳台同胞和海外侨胞是天津发展的宝贵资源,是值得信赖的重要力量。我们要广泛凝聚方方面面的智慧和力量,加强大团结大联合,形成同心同德、共促发展的强大合力,共同实现天津发展的美好愿景。市委副书记、市长黄兴国,市人大常委会主任肖怀远,市委副书记何立峰参加会见。市政协主席邢 Sun Chunlan Meets with Hong Kong, Macao Members of Municipal Political Consultative Conference and Representatives of Overseas Chinese in Tianjin and Taiwan compatriots Huang Xingguo, Xiao Huaiyuan and He Lifeng Attended Xing Yingmin’s Press Conference and extended friendship and words development. On the night of January 25, Sun Chunlan, secretary of the CPC Central Committee, cordially met with guests from Hong Kong and Macao who attended the first session of the 13th CPPCC Municipal Committee and representatives of overseas Chinese and compatriots in Tianjin who attended the meeting. She emphasized that compatriots in Hong Kong, Maucao and overseas China are valuable resources for the development of Tianjin and an important and trusted force. We should extensively unite the wisdom and strength of all parties, strengthen the great unity and great alliance to form a strong unity of common development and promote development, and jointly realize the beautiful vision of development in Tianjin. Huang Xingguo, deputy secretary of the municipal party committee, mayor of the city, Xiao Huaiyuan, director of the Municipal People’s Congress, and He Lifeng, deputy secretary of the municipal party committee attended the meeting. City CPPCC Chairman Xing
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