In the production of proprietary Chinese medicines, rhubarb or rhubarb is often mixed with rhubarb, and we often use TLC and TLCS to detect Chinese rhubarb. First, TLC inspection method 1. Preparation of test solution: take rhubarb, rhubarb each 2g, another take each test sample (see table) amount (equivalent to rhubarb 2g), powder into a fine powder (pear balls can be broken ). Ethanol 20ml cold soak 2hr, take the supernatant for sample use. 2. TLC test: Take 2 μl each of rhubarb, rhubarb and rhubarb control solution and test solution, and spot them on silica gel G (Qingdao Marine Chemical Factory) plate that has been activated at 105°C for half an hour, with ethyl acetate and methanol ( 8:2) Upwards. The exhibition distance was 15cm. The solvent was removed and observed under a UV lamp. The result is shown in the figure.