小小少年 几乎一夜之间,在报导CBA总决赛的各路媒体笔下,一个不满16岁,首季参加职业联赛的小菜鸟,成为主导广东宏远夺冠机会的“关键先生”、决定CBA总决赛走向的风向标。而真实的赛场上,那个身穿宏远9号球衣的少年,以令人咋舌的效率摘下一个又一个篮板,一次次阻断“八一火箭”反击的火力;适时的篮下进攻,也让盯防者除了犯规外毫无办法。他的名字让球迷惊叫,让专家叹服,让对手频频换人变阵。那一记面对防守专家张劲松飞身封盖的腾空暴扣,更是横空出世,令人击节。谁又能想到,一年前的今日他还在全国青年联赛决赛阶段坐冷板凳,在宏远二队的训练馆中默默无闻?
Almost a night youngster, in the coverage of the CBA finals of various media, a less than 16 years old, the first season to participate in professional league rookie, a leading Guangdong Hongyuan won the “key”, decided to CBA Finals The direction of the vane. The real game, that wearing a Hongyuan No. 9 jersey juvenile, with staggering efficiency pick off one after another rebound, again and again block the “August 1 rocket” counterattack fire; timely attack on the basket, but also There’s no other way to keep people in check than fouls. His name exclaimed the fans, so that experts amazed that opponents frequently change hands. That record of the defending expert Zhang Jinsong flying cover storm dunks, it is turned out to be hitting Festival. Who can think of a year ago today he is still sitting in the National Youth League finals cold bench in the Hongyuan two training hall unknown?