《别了,我爱的中国》是郑振铎同志在二十年代被迫只身离开祖国和亲人远涉重洋时写的。细读这篇课文,作者的真挚而又深沉的爱国之情充满字里行间。作者为什么能写出这样感人的文章,我们又怎样把这种感情让学生有所体会呢? 我们知道郑振铎同志(1898—1958)是我国新文化运动的积极倡导者,“五四”运动后,他和茅盾等共同发起成立了文学研究会。从“五卅”运动到“四·一二”蒋介石叛变革命期间,和茅盾等创办《公理日报》,揭露英、日帝国主义的罪行,又和胡愈之、叶圣陶等人组织上海著作人公会并参加了上海
“Farewell, I love China” was written by Comrade Zheng Zhenduo in the 1920s when he was forced to leave the motherland and his relatives alone. Read this article carefully, the author's sincere and deep patriotic feelings filled with words. Why did the author write such touching articles, how can we let the students experience such feelings? We know that Comrade Zheng Zhenduo (1898-1958) is an active advocate of China's new cultural movement. After the May Fourth Movement, He and Mao Dun co-sponsored the establishment of the Literature Research Association. During the revolution from “May Fight” to April 12, Chiang Kai-shek and Mao Tun founded the “Justice Daily” to expose the crimes of the British and Japanese imperialists and organized the Shanghai Writers' Guild jointly with Hu Yuzhi and Ye Shengtao And participated in Shanghai