5月底,未来 I/O(FutureI/O)联盟在加入一个新成员Cisco 后,就服务器 I/O 标准取得进展。现在,未来 I/O 联盟的成员已经达到6个,3个创始成员是惠普、IBM 和康柏,另外3个是 Adaptec、3Com 和 Cisco 公司。大约有70家公司为未来 I/O技术添砖加瓦,尽管包括 Cisco公司在内的许多公司同时还支持由英特尔公司牵头的 NGIO(Next Generation I/O)论坛。Cisco 公司将进一步推动并在未来的产品中支持基于交换矩阵的服务器互联技术,该技术可以减少 I/O 阻塞,这也是阻碍当前高端服务器性能的主要问题。
In late May, the Future I / O Alliance made progress on server I / O standards after joining a new member, Cisco. There are now six members in the future I / O alliance, the three founding members being Hewlett-Packard, IBM and Compaq, and the other three being Adaptec, 3Com and Cisco. About 70 companies are building blocks for future I / O technology, though many companies, including Cisco, also support the NGIO Next Generation I / O forum led by Intel. Cisco will further promote and support future switch fabric-based server interconnect technologies that reduce I / O congestion, which is a major hurdle to current high-end server performance.