对丈夫的称呼自然很多,什么“先生”、“老公”啦,“当家的”、“亲爱的”啦,“娃他爸”、“孩他爹”啦等等。而在我的眼里只有“哥”。 结婚这些年,我一直喊他“哥”。不熟悉的人,听了以为我们是兄妹;认识我们的人,开始总觉得“歌”或“鸽”是他的别名,不然,有几个妻子对丈夫喊哥喊得那么顺嘴的,张口闭口哥、哥、哥!明白后,新老朋友总不忘笑着问一句:“你为什么叫他哥呀?” 我喊他“哥”,不仅是因为他一米七六,我一米五八,以高低论大小。更重要的是他对我体贴、呵护、忍让,完完全全一个大哥哥的
The name of her husband naturally a lot, what “Mr.”, “husband” friends, “headed,” “dear” friends, “his father”, “his father” friends and so on. And in my eyes only “brother.” Married these years, I have been calling him “brother.” People who are unfamiliar hear the thought that we are brothers and sisters; people who know us always begin to think that “song” or “pigeon” is his alias. Otherwise, several wives shout to her husband shouting so smoothly, Brother, brother, brother! Understand, old and new friends always forget to ask with a smile: “Why did you call him brother?” I call him “brother”, not only because he is one meter seven six, I meter one five eight , To the level of theory size. More importantly, he considerate, care, forbearance, complete a big brother