山慈菇是一种较常用的抗癌中药,对多种肉瘤、肝癌实体型有抑制作用。但是有关山慈菇对遗传物质的影响尚未见报道。本文采用体细胞微核试验方法探讨山慈菇的抗突变作用。1 材料和方法 昆明种小白鼠,体重为18g~20g,雌雄各半。环磷酰胺(Cyctophosphamidum,cp),长春第十二制药厂生产。山慈菇水提取物:山慈菇(百合科植物老鸦瓣 Tulipa edulis Baker的干燥鳞茎)购自长春市医药公司医药商店,经粉碎后,称取20g粉末,去离子水300ml浸泡1h,烧
Sagittaria sagittifolia is a commonly used anti-cancer medicine, which has inhibitory effects on various sarcomas and solid hepatoma types. However, there has been no report on the impact of Sagitta on the genetic material. In this paper, the somatic micronucleus test method was used to investigate the antimutagenic effect of Sagittaria. 1 Materials and Methods Kunming species of mice, weighing 18g ~ 20g, male and female. Cyctophosphamide (cp), produced by Changchun Twelfth Pharmaceutical Factory. Saussurea Mushroom Water Extract: Cyperus citrinopileatus (dried bulb of Tulipa edulis Baker) was purchased from the pharmaceutical store of Changchun Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. After crushing, 20 g of powder was weighed and soaked in 300 ml of deionized water for 1 hour.