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我国木材蓄积量约有六十三亿立方公尺,从绝对数来看是不少的。但是,按全国人口平均计算,根据社会主义建设飞跃发展的形势来看,全国木材蓄积量是不多的,并且大部森林是分布在边远地区,由于交通不便,运输困难,在短期间内还不能全面开发利用,因此造成了木材的大量需要和集中采伐的矛盾。其次,按一般经验,生产一吨钢,即需要木材三立方公尺;基建投资一万元需木材十四立方公尺。现在是以钢为纲,带起了生产建设全面跃进,那么作为生产建设重要材料之一的木材需要量,当然要倍数激增。今年全国木材生产量较1958年提高一倍多,但还不能满足需要,还差二千万立方公尺平衡不下来,因之木材供应仍很紧张,这是木材生产与需要之间的矛盾。怎样来解决这些矛盾呢,根本的办法有二:一是大力开源,二是充分利用。从目前情况来看,全国造林运动已形成了高潮,快速丯产林在十年左右就可采伐利用,但是还不能解决当前的紧张。等 The volume of timber in our country is about 6.3 billion cubic meters, which is quite a few in absolute terms. However, according to the average national population calculation, according to the rapid development of socialism, the volume of timber in the country is small and most of the forests are located in remote areas. Due to traffic difficulties and transportation difficulties, in the short term Can not be fully exploited, thus creating a large timber needs and the contradiction of centralized logging. Second, according to general experience, a ton of steel is needed, that is, three cubic meters of timber is required; and an investment of 10,000 yuan in infrastructure requires about 14 cubic meters of timber. Now is the steel as the key link, bringing a full leap forward in the production and construction, then as one of the important materials for production and construction of timber demand, of course, multiplied surge. This year, the country’s timber production more than doubled from 1958, but it still can not meet the needs. It still can not balance 20 million cubic meters. The timber supply is still very tight, which is the contradiction between timber production and needs. How to solve these contradictions, there are two fundamental ways: First, vigorously open source, and second, make full use of. Judging from the current situation, the afforestation movement in China has already reached a climax. Rapid production of forest trees can be harvested and utilized in about 10 years, but it can not solve the current tension. Wait
摘要本文以文学名著《哈姆雷特》和《简·爱》为例,分析了影视作品如何因改编者的不同理解而产生不同的效果,提出在文学课中适当引入影视材料,通过欣赏评判,有助于学生对作品的解读。  关键词:影视欣赏 文学课 《哈姆雷特》 《简·爱》  中图分类号:G42 文献标识码:A    影视欣赏是一种审美再创造,是从接受美到感悟美再生成美的过程。利用影视作品可以极大地提高英美文学课的教学效果,使学生由知识的灌输对
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据海外媒体2008年7月18日报道,罗马尼亚官方通讯社(Rompres)2008年7月17日报道说,罗马尼亚国有天然气公司(Romgas)日前在本国东北部地区发现了一个大气田。 According to ov