中国是世界文明史上唯一没有中断和湮灭,至今依然活力四射的古代文明的延续体,其中文字更是延绵使用到今天。汉字以其使用历史长,使用人数多,覆盖人群广,对周边文化的影响力强,而傲称世界文明之巅。关于文字在人类社会文明史中的地位问题,19世纪美国人类学家、原始社会史学家摩尔根(L.H.Lewis Henry Morgan,1818-1881)就提出了文字是文明指标的观点。进入20世纪,德国哲学家雅斯贝尔斯(Karl Theodor Jaspers,1883-1969)提出文明四要素,即文字、青铜
China is the only continuation of the ancient civilization without interruption and annihilation still alive in the history of civilization in the world. The Chinese language is even more used today. Chinese characters use its long history, the number of users, covering a wide population, strong influence on the surrounding culture, and proud of the top of the world civilization. Regarding the status of writing in the history of human civilization, the 19th century American anthropologist and original social historian L.H.Lewis Henry Morgan (1818-1881) put forward the idea that writing is an indicator of civilization. Into the 20th century, the German philosopher Karl Theodor Jaspers (1883-1969) proposed four elements of civilization, that is, text, bronze