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北京市下辖18个区县,1981年以前全市没有一座符合要求的专用档案馆舍,大多数区县采用普通办公用房、地下室、甚至清代遗留的旧祠堂、家庙、县衙大堂保管档案。全市区县档案馆平均面积不足100平方米。自1983年起,我们采取市县两级投资的方法,分期分批地兴建了新的馆舍,改善了大多数区、县馆舍陈旧、库容狭小的状况,有力地推动了区县档案工作的深入开展。目前,全市已有10座区县档案馆投入使用,6座正在设计、建筑中,总面积达2.4万平方米,投资711万元。在抓区县档案馆舍建设中,我们的主要做法是: 多方努力疏通建馆渠道 1979年全国档案工作恢复以后,我们面临着一个重大问题,就是区县档案馆馆舍狭小陈旧,大量档案不能接收进馆。巧妇难为无米之炊,没有档案,档案馆其他工作自然也就无法开展,即使已经进馆的档案, There are 18 districts and counties under the jurisdiction of Beijing Municipality. Before 1981, there was not a dedicated archives in the city that met the requirements. Most districts and counties used ordinary office buildings, basements, and even the old ancestral halls, temples, and county yards left by the Qing Dynasty file. The city’s district archives an average area of ​​less than 100 square meters. Since 1983, we have adopted a two-tier investment approach at the county and county levels to build new houses in phases and in batches, improving the obsolescence and narrow storage space in most districts and counties, and effectively boosting the archives work in districts and counties In-depth development. At present, the city has 10 districts and counties archives put into use, 6 are in the design, construction, with a total area of ​​24,000 square meters, investment 7.11 million yuan. In the construction of archives and file houses in Catchment County, our main approach is: Many efforts are made to clear the channels for building museums. After the restoration of the archives in 1979, we faced a major problem: that is, the archives and museums in the districts and counties were small and outdated, Received into the museum. Clever woman is no straw, no files, archives and other work will naturally be unable to carry out, even if the file has been into the museum,
(一) 1月1日,周二,阴。现在是凌晨1点,年终决算的初步结果出来了,各项业务指标都超额完成了市分行下达的年度计划任务,特别值得一提的是实现了扭亏为盈,结束了长达6年连续亏
请下载后查看,本文暂不支持在线获取查看简介。修志工作者之歌@王毅@李景铄 Please download to view, this article does not support online access to view profile. Chi
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