Not only the variety of fish numerous, body shape mix, and each has a different ability. Some will sound “sing”, some will emit light, while others will produce electricity. The sound of fish is best known as stone-head fish, and Li Shizhen, a famous Chinese physician and physician in the Ming Dynasty, described it: “The stone-fish, every year in April, comes from the ocean and stretches for miles, and its sound is thundering.” Different from each other, guinea fishes cultured in guangdong and guangxi, both males and females, will make “courtship” parody sound during the breeding season. The size of the yellow croaker in the four major seas of China will also issue a “wah-wah-wah” Drum noise drumming sound will be issued when the drum meets the enemy, the toad will be given a flute-like sound at the mating stage; the hippocampus’s voice “snore snore”;