The management of unresolved gastrointestinal symptoms in Australian general practice澳大利亚全科医学未解决胃肠道症状的管理Managing medically unexplained illness in general practice全科医学疑难病管理Rare diseases are a’common’problem for clinicians疑难病对临床医生来说是“常见”问题A powerful team:the family physician advocating for patients with a rare disease强大团队:家庭医生积极帮助疑难病患者Is there a role for prazosin in the treatment of post-traumatic stress disorder?哌唑嗪在创伤后应激障碍治疗中是否有作用?
The management of unresolved gastrointestinal symptoms in Australian general practice Australian General Practice Unresolved Gastrointestinal Symptom Management Managing medically unexplained illness in general practice Rare diseases are a’common’problem for clinicians Difficult to clinicians Is a “common” problem A powerful team: the family physician advocating for patients with a rare disease Is there a role for prazosin in the treatment of post-traumatic stress disorder? Is there a role for azadrazin in the treatment of post-traumatic stress disorder?