学完立几后,进行了一次测试.有这样一道填空题:如图1,已知棱长为1的正方体容器ABCD A_1B_1C_1D_1中,分别在A_1B,A_1B_1,B_1C_1的中点E、F、G处各开有一个小孔,若此容器可以任意放置,则装水最多的容积是(小孔面积对容积的影响忽略不计)____.
After the completion of a few tests, a test was carried out.There was a blank filling problem: as shown in Fig. 1, in the rectangular container ABCD A_1B_1C_1D_1 with the known length of 1, respectively, at the midpoints E, F and G of A_1B, A_1B_1 and B_1C_1 Each opening has a hole, if the container can be placed, then the largest volume of water is (hole area negligible impact on the volume) ____.