如果不是能从www.neoplanet.com完全免费下载,NeoPlanet 5.0将会成为让人十分好奇而又难拿到的软软件。NeoPlanet5.0想成为你所有Web需求(浏览、电子邮件、即时通讯、聊天和俱乐部)的当然之选,是不是听起来特别象一个Web门户,这就对了,这正是NeoPlanet的意图所在。 但与门户站点相比还是有区别的:NeoPlanet将这些功能集成在一个桌面应用中,因此不需要再运行独立的即时通讯和电子邮件客户程序,而且也简化了导航。NeoPlanet在集成其各种工具方面做了大量工作。但很糟糕的是,其中某些工具功能不足。
If not completely free to download from www.neoplanet.com, NeoPlanet 5.0 will become very curious and hard to get the software. NeoPlanet 5.0 wants to be a natural choice for all your web needs (browsing, email, chat, chat, and clubs), and it does not sound like a web portal, which is exactly where NeoPlanet’s intentions are. However, there are differences compared to the portal site: NeoPlanet integrates these features into one desktop application, eliminating the need to run separate instant messaging and email clients and simplifying navigation. NeoPlanet has done a great job of integrating its various tools. Unfortunately, some of these tools are not functional enough.