一、概要 从1986年中国实施9年制义务教育以来,到1992年,小学入学率已达97.95%,初中入学率已达66.91%;并把小学生辍学率控制在2.19%,初中生辍学率控制在5.78%。但是,这一数字是建立在中国不同地区教育发展水平不均衡的基础之上的。截止1991年,中国所有的大城市、70%的中等城市和一半以上的县级市取消了小学升初中的考试,小学毕业生就近升入初中就读。这就是说还有相当一部分地
I. Outline Since the implementation of nine-year compulsory education in 1986 in China, the primary school enrollment rate has reached 97.95% and the junior high school enrollment rate has reached 66.91% by 1992; the dropout rate of primary school students has been controlled at 2.19% and the dropout rate of junior high school students has been controlled At 5.78%. However, this figure is based on the uneven development of education in different regions of China. As of 1991, all major cities in China, 70% of the middle-level cities and more than half of the county-level cities canceled the examination of primary and junior high school, and primary school graduates recently went to junior high school. This means that there is quite a part