牛皮癣是一种常见的皮肤病。其中仅有少数病人并发关节疼痛或轻度指趾末节关节肿胀,但不影响健康和工作。Myller 氏1934调查牛皮癣病人542例,其中并发风湿性或痛风性关节痛者仅占5.4%,并且没有一例是真正的关节病型牛皮癣,可见此病型是非常少见的。Guszmann 氏(1935λ提出关节病型牛皮癣有以下特点:1.关节变化并发于严重的牛皮癣。2.皮疹统统是严重的渗出型。3.经过慢性而难治。4.皮疹发生部位不定。5.50——100%病例有甲部损害。6.皮肤和关节症状
Psoriasis is a common skin disease. Only a few of these patients had joint pain or mild swelling of the joints of the distal phalanges, but did not affect health and work. Myller’s 1934 survey of 542 patients with psoriasis, of which only 5.4% of patients with concurrent rheumatic or gouty arthralgia, and no case of true joint disease psoriasis, showing that the disease is very rare. Guszmann’s (1935λ) proposed the following characteristics of joint disease type of psoriasis: 1. joint changes in severe psoriasis. 2. rash are all serious exudative .3 after chronic and refractory .4 rash locus uncertain .50 - 100% cases have nail damage .6. Skin and joint symptoms