除夕之夜,在万家团圆、阖家欢乐之际,国务院总理温家宝来到黄河岸边中原油田45710钻井队施工现场, 亲切看望和慰问石油工人,与一线职工共度新春佳节。总理代表党中央、国务院,向中国石化系统的全体职工家属表示亲切慰问,向全国石油战线的广大职工和家属表示节日慰问。总理认真听取了中国石化集团公司的工作汇报,充分肯定了中国石化对国家经济建设作出的贡
On the eve of the New Year's Eve, on the occasion of the happy reunion and the joy of family happiness, Premier Wen Jiabao of the State Council came to the construction site of the 45,710 drilling crew of the Zhongyuan Oilfield on the bank of the Yellow River to meet and greet the oil workers and spend the Spring Festival with front-line workers. On behalf of the Central Party Committee and the State Council, the Prime Minister expressed his sincere condolences to the families of all employees of Sinopec Corp. and expressed his holiday solicitude to the vast numbers of workers and their families in the national oil front. The Prime Minister listened attentively to the report of the work of China Petrochemical Corporation and fully affirmed the tribute made by Sinopec to the national economic construction