Our hospital due to lack of early awareness of shingles, right upper quadrant pain misdiagnosed as acute cholecystitis, are as follows: Example 1: Female, 60 years old. Due to paroxysmal right upper quadrant pain 10 days admission. Physical examination: painful appearance, skin yellow and papules, superficial lymph nodes are not enlarged, cardiorespiratory (-), abdominal soft, right upper quadrant tenderness, Murphy’s sign (±). B ultrasound showed gallbladder wall rough, thickening. Normal blood. Admission diagnosis: Acute cholecystitis. To intravenous ampicillin 5g, jinbian tablets oral treatment for a week, still feel significant abdominal pain, check the right quarter rib area by two clusters of mung bean size but not the integration of water blisters. Diagnosis of shingles. After symptomatic treatment to relieve symptoms, discharged.