
来源 :高原医学杂志 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:lrh791020
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目的:探讨快通道麻醉在高原小儿先天性心脏病手术中的应用价值。方法:选择528例先天性心脏病小儿,ASA(I~Ⅲ)级择期手术,麻醉诱导。静脉注射咪唑安定、枸橼酸芬太尼、维库溴铵后气管插管控制呼吸。麻醉维持:微量泵持续注入枸橼酸芬太尼20μg/(kg.h),同时根据麻醉的深浅适当调整异氟醚吸入浓度。结果:本组528例患者,521例均在术后(1~6)h内清醒气管拔管,5例术后出现严重的低心排4小时内死亡,2例因胸导管引流>50mL/30min带管二次手术术后3h拔管。所有病人无二次再插管。结论:快通道麻醉在高原小儿先天性心脏病手术中完全可以施用,具有临床应用价值。 Objective: To explore the value of fast-track anesthesia in the operation of children with congenital heart disease in the plateau. Methods: 528 children with congenital heart disease, ASA (Ⅰ ~ Ⅲ) stage elective surgery and anesthesia induction were selected. Intravenous midazolam, fentanyl citrate, vecuronium tracheal intubation control breathing. Anesthesia maintenance: micro-pump continuous infusion of fentanyl citrate 20μg / (kg.h), according to the depth of anesthesia appropriate adjustment of inhalation concentration of isoflurane. Results: In 528 patients, 521 patients were extubated after extubation (1 ~ 6 h), 5 patients died of serious low cardiac output within 4 hours after operation, and 2 patients died of thoracic duct drainage> 50 mL / 30min tube surgery 3h after extubation. All patients without second re-intubation. Conclusion: Fast-track anesthesia can be completely applied in the operation of children with congenital heart disease in the plateau, which has clinical value.
我在学校里经常会看到很多愁眉苦脸的同学。为什么他们要愁眉苦脸呢?开心多好呀。我想要我身边的人都开开心心,所以我要创造一台微笑机。微笑机专门给那些愁眉苦脸的同学使用,让他们能笑口常开,度过美好的童年。而且微笑机也能让大人快速从烦恼中走出来哦。  微笑机的“外形”是一只搞笑的米老鼠,它穿着时尚的小短裙,扭着苗条的小腰肢,耳朵旁还有两根电线,专门感应人类的不同烦恼。当我的朋友摔跤了,哇哇大哭时,我打开微
不能说这部片子有多高深。  事实上,连题材也不是十分新鲜。如果把《刺陵》、《锦衣卫》这些在大漠里拍的片子,长袍换成夹克,骏马换成吉普,冷兵器换成热武器,《西风烈》就是《刺陵》,《刺陵》就是《西风烈》。老瓶装了新酒,如此,而已。  但是这只老瓶装的新酒,你喝了会感觉很好,会感觉很过瘾。在那种半晕半熏的状态中,电影结束,而我们,将仍旧留恋,或期待,所有的对象都指向这部电影的导演——高群书。从成功的《东