【出 处】
High-precision measurements of the inter-annual evolution for Urumqi Glacier No.1 in eastern Tien Sh
High-precision measuring of glacier evolution remains a challenge as the available global and regional remote sensing techniques cannot satisfactorily capture the local-scale processes of most small-and medium-sized mountain glaciers.In this study,we use
Long-term effects of gravel-sand mulch thickness on soil microbes and enzyme activities in semi-arid
In semi-arid areas of China,gravel and sand mulch is a farming technique with a long history.In this study,a sample sur-vey was conducted on long term gravel sand mulch observational fields in the Northwest Loess Plateau to determine the effects of long t
Cryogenic wedges on the NE Qinghai-Tibet and Ordos Plateaus:Their characteristics,origin and OSL dat
Cryogenic wedges developed due to very cold,rather arid conditions during the maximum of the last cold event when the drying up of the neighboring China Sea resulted in the failure of the East Asian Monsoon.As the climate ameliorated and the Monsoon rains
对活猪采用大腿肌肉注射法持续给予一定浓度的克伦特罗溶液,饲养至稳定状态后,宰杀取猪肉部分制备猪肉冻干粉中克伦特罗基质标准物质.样品检测参考GB/T 22286—2008《动物源性食品中多种β-受体激动剂残留量的测定》,采用同位素内标液相色谱质谱联用法检测克伦特罗的含量,并对样品中克伦特罗的均匀性和稳定性进行评价.定值采用同一检测方法8家实验室协作定值方式,并对标准物质的不确定度进行评估.结果表明,该标准物质的均匀性和稳定性满足标准物质制备的要求,标准物质中克伦特罗含量定值结果为(0.927±0.075)μ