编辑同志: 我是一名农民,在农村推行承包责任制时,我家按四口人计算与生产队签订了承包0.29公顷责任田的合同。前年,我与丈夫因感情不和而离婚,最小的孩子归我扶养。因判决书未确定责任田怎样划分管理,去年春耕时我受到前夫阻拦,他说我们已经离婚,我不能再经营责任田。请问:离婚后,夫妻双方原来承包的责任田能否进行分
Editor’s Comrade: I am a farmer. When implementing the contract responsibility system in rural areas, my family signed a contract with the production team of 0.29 hectare responsibility field according to a four-person calculation. Two years ago, my husband and I divorced because of my feelings, and the youngest child was supported by me. Because of the verdict I was not sure how to manage the field, I was stopped by the ex-husband last spring when he said we were divorced and I can no longer run the responsibility field. I would like to ask: After the divorce, the original contracting responsibility of both husband and wife can be divided