何士光,一九四二年出生于贵阳。六十年代从贵阳大学中文系毕业,到黔北的一个县城工作,之后又到一个公社的中学任教。现为贵州专业作家。从一九七七年至今,先后发表一部长篇,三部中篇和三、四十个短篇。《乡场上》和《种包谷的老人》获全国优秀短篇小说奖。中篇小说《草青青》、 《青砖的楼房》在读者中有一定影响,在日本也有人介绍过何士光的作品。他的小说多以精巧的艺术构思,优美凝炼的文学语言,展示
He Shiguang, born in 1942 in Guiyang. In the 1960s, he graduated from the Department of Chinese at Guiyang University, worked in a county in northern Guizhou, and later taught at a commune middle school. Guizhou is now a professional writer. From 1977 till now, he has published a long article, three middle-length articles and three or forty short stories. “On the Farm” and “Elderly Valley” won the national best short story award. Novella “grass green”, “brick building” has a certain influence on the reader, some people in Japan also introduced He Shiguang works. His novels are mostly elaborate artistic concepts, beautifully condensed literary language, display