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传统的思想品德课模式是:老师在讲台上侃侃而谈,学生在下面昏昏欲睡,老师讲得辛苦,学生学得无奈,教学效果可想而知。运用信息技术和信息资源,将现代信息技术与教学有机地整合,能激发学习兴趣、活跃课堂气氛、增强记忆、优化课堂结构、不断提高教学质量,取得良好的效果。一、激发学习兴趣爱因斯坦曾说过:“兴趣是最好的老师。”激发兴趣是推动学生学习的动力。 The traditional ideological and moral lesson mode is: the teacher talked about in the podium, the students drowsy below, the teacher stresses hard, students learn helpless, the teaching effect can be imagined. The use of information technology and information resources, the modern information technology and teaching organically integrated, can stimulate interest in learning, active classroom atmosphere, enhance memory, optimize the classroom structure, and constantly improve the quality of teaching, and achieved good results. First, to stimulate interest in learning Einstein once said: “Interest is the best teacher. ” To stimulate interest is to promote student learning motivation.
怎么也想不到商店里那些精美的水果盘、花篮竟然是纯手工编制出来的,今天通过实地观察,我不得不承认我的“孤陋寡闻”了。胡老师说今天带领我们到校外一个神秘的地方去参 Ho
参加帕格尼尼比赛,从某个意义上,是百无聊赖(liao lai)状态下的一种尝试。但只要用心去付出,便会给你带来意想不到的收获。 To participate in the Paganini competition, i
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众所周知,兔子和乌龟比赛跑,兔子由于骄傲轻敌而战败。兔子很不服气,这不,兔子决心放弃骄傲,又去找乌龟挑战了。忠厚、勤恳、智慧的乌龟收下了兔子的挑战书。裁判员猴 As we
中国标协化工标准化协会于1987年9月19日至21日,在安徽歙县就有关企业标准化问题举行了首届学术报告会。本刊现摘登部分代表的发言。 From September 19 to 21, 1987, the C
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