The compound eye of arthropods has been the subject of interest to scientists. An international research team led by Chinese researchers reported in the journal Nature in the UK on the 1st that they have developed a man-made co-eye compound camera that simulates the compound eye feature that maximizes the viewing angle and depth of field without generating the axis Aberration. Huang Yonggang, a professor at Northwestern University in the United States, told Xinhua News Agency reporters that the compound eye has a very large perspective and depth of field, and is also very sensitive to the movement of objects. They were inspired by the development of artificial synchrophoto camera consists of a group of flexible micro-lens array and a set of deformable silicon-based photoelectric sensor array, respectively, arranged on both sides of the flexible film substrate, wherein each micro-lens and light sensing elements constitute A “little eye ”. Huang Yonggang said that both arrays are fabricated and assembled on a flat surface and then transformed via elastic deformation into a nearly complete hemispherical shape (160 degrees)