红富士苹果产量和品质不高,一直是生产中的主要限制因素,除立地条件外,施肥对红富士苹果产量和质量影响最大。如何在红富士苹果生产中做到合理施肥:1 红富士苹果对土壤肥力要求较高,我国红富士苹果在国际市场上竞争力低下,与此有着密切的关系,我国红富士苹果栽培区土壤有机质含量大部分在1%以下,为了短期利益,果农大量施用化学肥料,这样导致土壤营养失调,很不利于产量和品质的提高,
Red Fuji apple production and quality is not high, has been the production of the main limiting factor, in addition to site conditions, fertilization on the Red Fuji apple output and quality of the greatest impact. How to make reasonable fertilization in the production of Red Fuji apples: 1 Red Fuji apples have higher requirements on soil fertility and Red Fuji apples are less competitive in the international market, which has a close relationship with them. The content of soil organic matter Most of the content below 1%, for short-term interests, the large-scale use of chemical fertilizers, resulting in soil nutrient imbalances, it is not conducive to the improvement of yield and quality,