Distributing disciplinarian of ground motion parameters on an earth fissure site during strong earth

来源 :地震工程与工程振动(英文版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:xiaoaixiaoaixiaoai
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To investigate the distributing disciplinarian of ground motion parameters on the earth fissure site during strong earthquakes, a series of shaking table tests were designed and conducted based on 1:15 scaled models. Test results showed significant differences in the ground motion parameters (including ground motion intensity indices, spectrum characteristics and strong motion duration) between the hanging-wall and footwall caused by the earth fissure. Acceleration response, displacement response and Arias Intensity response on both sides of earth fissure indicated that the earth fissure site on the hanging-wall was destroyed more seriously. The distributing disciplinarian of amplification factors showed clear hanging-wall and footwall effects, which were more remarkable nearby the fissure zones. The low-frequency component of the seismic wave was richer after selectively filtering in the soil medium. By comparing the predominant period and mean period of the hanging-wall and footwall, it was found that vibration frequency on the hanging-wall was greater than that on the footwall. Minimum values of strong motion duration were recorded on the hanging-wall close to the fissure and increased from the fissure to both sides.
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